Park FactsheetNine factsheets were released in August 2017 outlining some of the many benefits parks bring to our society.  These factsheets provide simple explanations for how parks, nature, and the land improve our world. Instead of focusing on the typical responses like (recreation opportunities, etc.), our effort was to educate the public on other benefits that are less often featured.

The factsheets highlight how, Parks:

Provide Diverse Experiences (294 KB PDF)

Engage the Public in Decisions (233 KB PDF)

Improve Our Overall Health (353 KB PDF)

Improve Our Quality of Life (158 KB PDF)

Improve Our Water Quality (233 KB PDF)

Are Outdoor Classrooms (349 KB PDF)

Protect Wildlife Populations (322 KB PDF)

Reduce Urban Heat Islands (201 KB PDF)

Sequester Carbon (535 KB PDF)

The factsheets were made possible due to a generous grant from Boeing.

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This publication is copyrighted by FHBP, 2017. Reproduction can occur only with the express written permission of FHBP and credit must be given to FHBP.