In May 2020, Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks (FHBP) evaluated which parklands in Orange County will be impacted by varying degrees of sea level rise. This factsheet outlines the results of our mapping research. We did not analyze the impacts themselves, instead we determined the impact areas. Data were compiled from the state’s Cal-Adapt website and publicly available data layers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Regional, state, and national parklands were impacted under current (0 foot sea level rise), as well as 3, 6, and 9 feet of sea level rise. It appears that our coastal park managers—not to mention infrastructure, homes, and businesses—must begin to take seriously the impacts of sea level rise. If we do not act, when the sea rises, we may simply lose our beaches and usable coastline—part of what has always defined California.
Download the factsheet. (2 MB)
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This publication is copyrighted by FHBP, 2020. Reproduction can occur only with the express written permission of FHBP and credit must be given to FHBP.