In June 2020, Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks (FHBP) evaluated which parklands in Orange County were impacted by two non-native beetles. This factsheet outlines the results of our mapping research. Data were compiled from OC Parks, the Orange County Transportation Authority, and UC Riverside/UC Extension Program. It appears that the Invasive Shot Hole Borer (formerly Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer) and the Goldspotted Oak Borer are threatening native tree populations throughout the county–including our parklands. Because these invasive beetles are wreaking such havoc, the threats are being taken very seriously. In most instances, swift action must be taken to remove the infested trees to preserve the integrity of the entire woodland and prevent further spread. That said there is a fine balance as many dead trees and snags provide nesting and perching locations for birds. As one policy solution, FHBP has been working to support adoption of a Tree Preservation Policy during the 2020 Zoning Code Update.

Download the factsheet. (1.7 MB)

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This publication is copyrighted by FHBP, 2020. Reproduction can occur only with the express written permission of FHBP and credit must be given to FHBP.