Stop, Look, &, Listen
on June 24, 2024
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On our forays into the wilderness we usually move through natural surroundings without truly engaging.
While we might experience a collective impression of smells, sights and sounds, we rarely stop to focus on specific systems in action as we march through: recognizing birds’ alarm calls or insects’ well-rehearsed dance in search of food.
Maybe you have already challenged yourself to silently observe the natural order of our wild spaces. Taking the time to truly stop, look and listen allows you to get to know yourself in relation to the natural world, to gather information and to absorb nature’s healing powers. Taking time to reflect allows us to process the “magic” of our environment.
When we step into our wild spaces it is such a rewarding opportunity to help others also see, touch, smell, hear, and maybe even taste their time in nature. When we have deep connection that comes from truly engaging ALL of our senses, we create a lasting relationship that garners advocacy. Remember to stop and smell the sage…